1. “Call for Papers”
We have added a new module designed to manage the “Call for Papers” process called ABSTRACTS which consists of:
- Registration Page
- Automated Emails
- Reports
- File Management
The system enables the Conference website to not only to display the conference details for delegates but rather as a collection platform for presenters and when that process is complete the ABSTRACT registration page maybe removed from viewing.
2. “Duplicate Websites”
A conference website may be simply duplicated and all graphics and text will be copied to a new event which is issued with a new title and url, as well as enabling all parameters to be reset.
3. “Improved Functionality”
There has been considerable effort in refining the functionality and we have added a further automated “Payment Reminder” email which improves the ability to communicate with those delegates still owing fees.
These improvements have been specifically made with the Government sector in mind.
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